Wednesday, February 5, 2014

#368 Snow Day!

Last night I went to bed with the snow falling fast outside my window.  I woke up at 5:30 a.m. today to go to the bathroom, called my work’s weather line and got the message I had hoped for:  the office was closed!  Snow day! 

As a kid, that was the dream every winter.  When snow was predicted I would listen to the radio waiting to hear my school’s name.  Then it was back to bed, and later on, snowball fights and snow forts outside.  As an adult, the big draw is sleeping in.  Although my guilty pleasure is lying in bed listening to Q95 in the morning. 

I got up at 8:25 a.m., fired up my laptop, and was online and eating cereal by 8:30 a.m.  I did do some work today, and had a conference call scheduled.  It’s always a bit more fun to do work while watching Ellen and Dr. Oz. 

My wonderful neighbor used his snow blower on my driveway, so I didn’t have to shovel this morning.  I did shovel about five inches of snow lasts night and this morning there was around 3-4 more inches.  I helped out my older neighbor by shoveling his front porch and walkway.  I left his driveway for the snow blower. 

I don’t mine shoveling, but I know my back doesn’t like it too much.  I think of it as a good workout and I enjoy being outside.  If you dress appropriately, you can stay pretty comfortable.  I do wish that I had a shovel with a longer handle.  I could probably find one.  The shovel is use is maybe 40 years old.  It has to be!  I got it from my parents and I’m sure it’s as old as I am.  It’s small and metal, but does the job.  I think that it prevents me from lifting too much snow.  If it’s not broken, I don’t need a new one. 

One more thing about snow days.  I know a lot of people are sick of the snow and cold.  We’ve had one of the worst winters in several years.  My attitude is that I live in the Midwest.  It’s going to be cold.  It’s going to snow.  We never know how cold it will be or how much snow we’ll get.  If you don’t like the cold and snow, move.  I do feel bad for older folks or those with limited mobility.  I pray they have friends and family looking out for them.  But for the rest of ya’ll, quit your bitchin’.  And don’t complain when it’s August and 95 degrees. 

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