Although "Planes, Trains and Automobiles" is one of my favorite movies, this post is not a movie review. I will talk about travelling as a super tall person in a world of average joes.
Planes. Early in my travels I had some good luck on overseas flights and was bumped to first class. Other times I was able to lie across the middle section of about 5 or 6 seats and sleep most of the way. Back then the rear of the plane was smoking so I did have to deal with that, but it was worth it. I don't travel as much now so my #1 tip is to ask for the exit row. They say you can request it before checking in, but I haven't found that to be the case. I ask upon check in and most likely can get it. I also like the window seat so I can lean my head to the side to sleep. The backs of the seats are too low for me to lean my head back. I would end up with my mouth hanging open and a neck ache.
Trains. I have ridden trains before, but not very often and not for super extended periods of time. I have no tips for trains. Sorry!
Automobiles. Before I got my first car (while driving my parent's Turbo Impala) I always liked the look of the Honda Accord. When it came time to buy my first car, that's what I wanted, but my dad made me look at others. It was a good idea to see the features of other cars, but when it came to fit, I couldn't beat a Honda. They have plenty of head and leg room. I even sat in my own back seat once and fit great. The only drawback, and this is probably with most other cars too, is that I can't get a car with a sunroof. The sunroof takes away several inches and I hit my head on the ceiling. This did not stop my brother Paul from buying a Volkswagen Jetta TDI with a sunroof. He barely fits and has a permanent part on the right side of his head. :-)
I'm comfortable on long car trips in the front seat where I can alternately stretch out my legs. The back seat, as mentioned in my previous posting, is another story. Two to three hours is ok, but 11 with three people in the back seat was very uncomfortable. Funny college story about a back seat - I once rode in the back seat of a Honda Prelude from Auburn, AL to Panama City, FL. That's about 4 hours. My friend Lisa drove, and her roommate, Kendall had first dibs. She's 6'4", so I didn't complain too much. Lisa's sister, Dawne, and I were in the back. The Prelude had a sunroof so as I stretched my legs I stuck them out of the top. What a sight!!